The protagonist drags the miserable life of a lonely school. Watching the happiness of other people, especially loving couples, he begins to feel...
"I want to know it. Real identity of this intuition" The main character who is Teacher receives the confession from a schoolgirl suddenly at dusk of...
Takumi is a transfer student to a very prestigious formerly all girl's school. He is now the only in a school filled with beautiful wealthy girls....
New semester of hero and Suzuya Hiroki entertain the longing to the world of erotic was the worst. And admission to the new school, meeting .........
Version 1.3 - Hikari time of equipment replacement can not be fitted with a devil suit the failure of part of the darkness generals Ryona attack of...
Loved by the family, and loved by friends, with a noble heart and dignity worthy to be called a daughter, Suo Institute Sakurako was born as the...
Language of game - Japanese Supported OS: Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10 Resolution: 1280 * 720 Number of colors: full color Sound source: DirectSound...
You are Kensuke Tsukikage, the son of a family that runs the famous Tsukigake Shinto Shrine. One day your grandfather, chief priest of the shrine,...
Contents: Haruyoshi now lives at an apartment, where Sachiko, his aunt, runs, with Yuki, his younger sister because his parents passed away a while...
The new installment of Dragon Mahjongg, the Dragon Q*est Strip Mahjongg series! (Enjoyable as a stand-alone product) The protagonist is a survivor...