Irie-kun is a young teacher in training at a renowned school. The pressure on him is even greater than the teacher in charge of her training is...
The Shinichi hero and Kosaka, there was a secret that can not be said to others. It, that and Mizuho is his mother, is in the men and women of the...
Beauty Yagura Yasutomo, the mother-Kaedeko and students of two people living. Parents busy with company worked, I have spent a life like living alone...
One day until the end of August ...... summer vacation, was approached about a week remaining. Hero and higher-order law (higher-order law) who had...
Onisuke which was decided to be transferred to the detention center from other Kanto jail . " Only . Ey Kan-ra one person even said . If die anyway ,...
Toshiya is a descendant of a rich family. There is a tradition of his family - the heir must find his wife and marry within two years after receipt...
Located at the main crossroads, the town of Kaste is known for being a border town with monsters appearing nearby. Gin decides to start his second...
Is Incubus, Nero is a large noble of Makai. His wives interest is not in addition to property, there was no such night of life. But it inspired the...
I a little different this summer but summer vacation! Finally began. I became that it would hit the grand prize in a sweepstakes chance, going on...