After ten years of wedded bliss, you have become interested in seeing her shared with other men. In other words, you'd like her to become a Hotwife....
Updated : 23-Mar-2021 Reason : Added Mac version.
Updated : 23-Mar-2021 Reason : added 1 page.
DINASTY The novel I'm currently working on is DINASTY, which tells the story of a 21-year-old who has to support his family after his father...
Updated : 23-Mar-2021 Reason : Added Mac version.
Updated : 23-Mar-2021 Reason : added 5 pages.
So, What's new? Well.... 1; We added about two hours worth of content by shelling out half of the Sume storyline! You can still read the story all...
Updated : 25-Mar-2021 Reason : add version 0.12.