Updated: 29-Jul-2023
Reason: added 3 pages.
Updated: 29-Jul-2023
Reason: Updated + 76 pages.
Updated: 29-Jul-2023
Reason: Updated + 76 pages.
Updated: 29-Jul-2023
Reason: Updated + 76 pages.
This is the story of a young man who always had feeling towards his landlady and roommate (the good old landlady-roomate game) but he always fought...
Updated: 29-Jul-2023
Reason: added new version.
Updated: 29-Jul-2023
Reason: Added 43 pages.
Updated: 29-Jul-2023
Reason: Added new pages.
Updated: 29-Jul-2023
Reason: added new pages.
Updated: 29-Jul-2023
Reason: New pages.
You will be in the control of a young man living in a small village in a small port town in a large magical land. Being the only man in age to...
Updated: 29-Jul-2023
Reason: added version 0.5.10.