Updated: 10-Aug-2024
Reason: add 1 page.
Updated: 10-Aug-2024
Reason: Completed.
You are the new headmaster of Blackwell Academy. Can you defeat corruption, drugs, promiscuity? No? Then take the lead!...
Updated: 10-Aug-2024
Reason: Added v0.14.
Updated: 10-Aug-2024
Reason: added new pages.
Images and text version...
Updated: 10-Aug-2024
Reason: New pages.
Updated: 10-Aug-2024
Reason: Add 40 pages.
Updated: 10-Aug-2024
Reason: add 2 pages.
Try to win hands to transform your opponents into bimbos, but try not to become a bimbo yourself! V 0.7.2: -Adjusted the effects of the Special...
Updated: 10-Aug-2024
Reason: add version 0.7.2.