In a world ravaged by interdimensional warfare, Alex loses his parents and seeks refuge in an orphanage. When he gets unexpectedly swept away through...
"Everybody lies. there are the little lies, the ones that canât do any harm. There are shameful lies, those we tell to give ourselves an image. And...
This is an exploratory action RPG that allows you to set a variety of difficulty levels for erotic animation, such as heterosexual adultery, pregnant...
It's the year 20XX. A young scientist, who up until now hadn't achieved any significant breakthroughs, suddenly makes a groundbreaking discovery and...
Welcome to the Fjordside Hotel! Stick by our private coffee bar where our talented male baristas will brew you the drinks of your dreams! Participate...
Your name is [Enter name] and you are 21 years old. You live with your roommate's mom (relation can be changed in-game!) and your roommate (relation...
This story is about a guy who, in some ways reminiscent of some of us, having stalled in his personal development, finds the strength and motivation...
Overview: After two years in the army, you return to your adopted family. Immediately after you notice that parents often quarrel because they do not...