The story evolves around a human-slave in a world ruled by the noble race of elfs. Our protagonist takes over a bar and transforms it into an h-bar, in which are served dishes made of body fluids (cum,saliva,sweat...). These fluids are collected thru h-acts with the 'ingredient-bearer', the coupling usually is based on the gained/found recipes for the 'fetish dishes'. Apart from taking care of the bar and subjucating deeper into lust your slaves, you'll need to hunt and and tame more slaves (which usually require a special approach described in their recipe).
– Hunting & Taming (based on recipies)
– Harvesting and stocking ‘fluids’ for cooking
Basically 2 slaves have sex, and you collect their cum. Or you service one and collect it’s fluids. This feature might be extrapolated to using additional devices.
– Slave Leveling system
– Monetary system (income from your customers; cash to spend on what you might need)
– Capture more slaves by venturing into nearby lands.
– Acquiring new recipes for more pricefull dishes
– You must take care of your slave-pets, or they might start going out of control
– Teach your pets various h skills
– and many more
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