Plot: In Parental love, you take on the role of a father of two who had a falling out with his wife Emily. You were a cocaine addict, you were a bad father, sharing only brief moments of happiness with your adultren between your inebriated and sober states, your adultren and Emily you now long for those happy times they shared with you. A while after your second daughter Ada, was born, Emily thought it best you two get a divorce. You two went through a breakup and the court ruled her sole custody of your adultren
- Added 6 new scenes (see instructions below for how to access new scenes)
- Fixed bug with gallery crashing
- Better scene skipping
- Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation. Thanks Grubb
- Added two new translations
- French by Maxo
- Polish by Bev_
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Parental Love v.1.1 Win/Mac+Incest Patch+WT/Mod+Gallery unlocker by Luxee game preview
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