The story is set on a military research space station in Earth's orbit, whose AI goes haywire and starts killing the personnel. A family manages to lock themselves on a part of the station which is disconnected from the AI control systems but they pay a high price for that - the father remains locked out.
You play as Greg and together with you mom and your step sister, you'll need to find a way of restoring the section and ultimately taking back control of the station. Earth is reluctant to help since the AI has threatened them that it will fire all the nuclear missiles in case they make an attempt to board the station or destroy it. So the only chance is for the people inside to save themselves.
This is the fix for the crash when you masturbate with Lana for the first time and choose to cum on her and it also adds a new dialogue when you wake up after having sex with Megan that adds a bit of context. 0.3.1 saves are compatible
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