Story - Young Kiritani, a young born in a house that manages a ryokan group "Kirinoya" (Kiritani Haruya). Because I grew up with a lot of women with strong pushing older sister and sister, I had a hard time and constantly living s' school life.
"Ha ha, I guess it's nice to have a nigga!" However, that is also a of age,
and I'd like to have a cute (not afraid) girl with her - I'm getting more and more like that It is getting stronger.
It will come back to my birthplace which I had been far away for the convenience of my family business in the first time in ten years, and the transfer destination this time is finally a co-school.
Although I was expecting a new encounter in a nostalgic town, it was Yoaya, but there was a nostalgic encounter in an unexpected form.
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