Story - Keisuke Tachibaki, the protagonist, is a senior first grader who began working since this year. Although I was a small company, I was sending a fulfilling everyday to my desired job category. However, even if there was motivation and incentive, it was true that I got to live alone for the first time and it seemed a bit tired.
In such a case, what I think -. "I wish she could have been ... ..." One such day.
My younger adulthood friend, Mr. Makoto Ao, comes to the hero's house.
Kayo's parents said that due to work, he had to live overseas for a while.
In the important time before taking the exam, there were also recommendations of parents who were worried about becoming alone, and they came to a former hero with a family doll.
Through living together, eventually they are attracted to more than their adulthood friend.
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