School Game - Version 0.957 Bugfix 17 by Sloths Command Win/Mac/Linux/Android Porn Game

Porn Game: School Game - Version 0.957 Bugfix 17 by Sloths Command Win/Mac/Linux/Android

School Game is a game with RPG elements. You create your character and evolve in a school environement. Learn skills, buy equipement, meet classmates, build your reputation and budget, be a member of the student council and various clubs, and improve your relationship with the head of the student council, which you may decide to replace. Isn't it what everyone wanted in high school, even in student years: complete freedom of action?​
New content:

— Many new events have been added to the romance line with Meiko Tsukasa. In total, half a dozen events came out, following one after another, in which many details of her life are described. In addition, a tooltip has been added to existing choices that can be used to follow this path that reads "A romantic path will open with this character", which will make it easier to complete this path.

— In the biography menu in the category with information for randomized female NPCs, a new statistic has been added - "The number of blowjobs given." It directly affects the ability to engage in oral sex with this RNPCs. The more he made them, the better he does it, and this now directly affects the course of the scene, as well as the statistics that it gives.

— Randomized female NPCs with the Corrupted trait and high Corruption Influence stats can now independently offer your character sex for money. The more corruption and vulgarity, the greater the chance that this particular RNPCs can offer you this.

— Randomized NPCs can now offer not only regular sex, but also oral sex with a small chance of doing so.

— New generation modes have been added to the generation editing menu that appears when entering the Patreon code of the Best Friend ($10) level: all RNPCs are virgins, all RNPCs have a maximum level of vulgarity and all RNPCs have a minimum level of vulgarity.

— In the main menu of the game, the "Additional Content" button changed its state from "In Development" to "Modifications". By clicking on it, you will be redirected to a new page with available modifications in the root folder of the game.

— More than 30 percent of the entire game code has been refactored, making it more moldable and performant. In addition, some existing directories were corrected, and a new one was created for modifications. It contains initial documentation and some examples of using the framework we created to modify the game and the game elements it contain.

— A new service has been added to the list of opportunities for the leader of the hooligans in the abandoned factory - "Make it your goal...". With it, you can set all the available hooligans in the session on the characters you need. They will beat them, fight, threaten, harass and generally do all the aggressive actions available in the game against their target. From this, the statistics of the influence of the victims will change the side of the "Clogged" and "Weak" character.

— Now, when buying any services from the leader of the hooligans in the abandoned factory, the RNPCs with the "Aggressive" character will have small progress in pumping attributes, and also from this purchase the reputation of your character among the hooligans will slightly increase.

— Minor changes were made to the game engine of the game: the main changes were in the compilation of game files under Windows devices.

— Now, if your character made choices against hooligans in an abandoned factory, the latter will not allow him to enter there, and the location will be closed.

— Having sex with plot characters will now give your character a boost in sex experience.

— Significantly increased the time interval between some events. This list includes events with an offer to have sex, jealousy, debts, a request to exchange phone numbers, as well as many other events ... Elections that involve some temporary cool down now give twice as much of it. In addition, this time is now affecte by randomness, the nature of the randomized NPC, as well as some other factors.

— Intercourse count now shown for randomized male NPCs.

— Added a new possible interaction with randomized NPCs - insult because of appearance. If successful, you will reduce the self-confidence of the randomized NPC enough that it can change its character from existing to «Weak»or «Reclusive».

— A new interaction has been added to the temple location - pray. The interval for this action is set to one in-game day, and when your character does this, he receives one point of luck.

— Now in the stage of character creation there is a new stage - "Generation settings". In case the Patreon code is entered, it appears among others.

— Now the function with the refusal of dialogues with the RNPCs is affected by a lot more events: events with an offer to have sex, chat, and others.

— In the diary, right in the page with a step-by-step guide to completing story quests, a lot more information about story quests appeared. In addition, information about a new romance branch with Meiko Tsukasa has also been added there.

— Added the ability to change the body conjuncture of randomized NPCs: you can change the shape of the body. Make them higher or lower, just increase in size or decrease - it's entirely your choice. This feature is currently available for all subscribers of the Best Friend ($10)+ level. It will be enough to enter the patreon code, and a new setting will appear in the editing menu of randomized NPCs.

— Added a new feature to the "General" category in the game settings - show the gender of randomized NPCs. Because of her, a tag with the gender of the NPCs will appear in the list of those present at the location right before their name.

— Added new cheats to the cheat menu for patreon subscribers: open an abandoned factory, add a new randomized NPC to the session, replace a randomized NPC in the session.

— Now randomized NPCs with certain influence statistics may not be jealous of your character for others at all.

— Now combat experience affects the amount of your HP accrued right before a fight with a randomized NPC.

— Improved translation in the moments of the first events with Yuki Oota and the Student Council.

— One new hairstyle has been added for randomized male NPCs. It can be generated by a RNPCs you have not interacted with before, or it can be selected in the editor.

— Added a description to inventory items that did not have one before.

— The list in the activity menu of randomized NPCs has been updated, which is responsible for the icon of the type of employment.

— Added a warning when your character goes to sleep with satiety below zero that such a dream will not restore energy fully.

— The translation into english in the hitomi.rpy and act.rpy files has been improved.

Fixed bugs:

— Fixed a bug where when buying services in an abandoned factory from hooligans, the gender of the people on whom your character orders this very service could not be considered.

— Fixed a bug where bully reputation did not affect relationships with randomized characters that have the «Aggressive» personality trait.

— Fixed a bug where the «Ladies' Man» perk would also work on the male RNPCs.

— Fixed a bug where, even with enough items in the inventory, the scrollbar did not appear, with which you could manage the list on android devices.

— Fixed a bug where you could be kicked out by a male randomized NPC from the women's locker room.

— Fixed a bug where, even if a notification appeared that the room was clean and the homework was done, the interaction was not thrown back into the room.

— Fixed a bug where an exception could be thrown when chatting with a randomized NPC in the grocery store.

— Fixed a bug that could exit during a sex scene with a randomized NPC if it was the very first sex scene in a game session.

— Fixed a bug where during the «Show me your panties» interaction, the «Take them off» option could also appear, even if the randomized NPC did not already have them.

— Fixed a bug where in the sub-locations of the city park it was possible to see the location «City Park».

— Fixed a bug where an exception could be thrown at the beginning of a game session if you immediately start doing homework in the house.

— Fixed a bug where sex scenes with randomized NPCs could mix up hair colors of the back and front layers in some rare moments.

— Fixed typos in the text of the game, as well as problems with interpolation in some places.

— Fixed a bug where in the invitation menu to any location of a randomized NPC was displayed for class 1-1.

— Fixed a ban that caused the background of the cafe to not display if your character entered the interaction menu with a randomized NPC in that location.

— Fixed a bug where in the city library in the sublocations menu the locations of the educational institution were displayed.

— Fixed a bug where if your character was denied the «Show Naked» interaction, there was still a move to choose a location where the RNPCs would do this action.

— Fixed bugs where some conditions did not work in interactions with randomized NPCs, and instead of them, there could be stubs at all.

— Fixed a bug where white streaks could be seen on the face of the RNPCs during the blowjob scene.

— Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to use items from the inventory during fights.

— Fixed a bug where an exception could be thrown if the randomized NPC had the Cat Ear accessory at the time and your character was with it in a sex scene.

— Fixed a bug where Hitomi Watanabe's event could exit when your character and she go to a school together, even when the school is closed.

— Fixed a bug where you might not be able to drink tea to an RNPCs that was visiting you, even if it was there for the first time.

— Fixed a bug due to which an incorrect count was kept of RNPCs that are a member of your club.

— Fixed a bug where some attributes could not be upgraded, even if the number of available upgrade points prevailed over the points required for upgrade.

— Fixed a bug where the RNPCs could display the «Sociable» trait twice in the bio menu. Additionally, resolved an issue where randomized female NPCs could have this perk in the male gender.

— Fixed a bug that caused Yuki Oota and Ayano Yoshida to not display when they lived together with your character.

— Fixed a bug where in some cases an exception could occur while sleeping on the bed.

— Fixed a bug where the second background of the player's room had an incorrect resolution and had a view close to the screen.

— Fixed a bug where the blinds of the first room could be displayed against the background of the second player's room.

— Fixed a bug where randomized NPC tags might not be displayed in some locations.

— Fixed a bug where the background of the new clothing store was not displayed in the new version of the game.

— Fixed a bug in which, regardless of the state of sale of the video recording from Meiko Tsukasa, when trying to watch it, it said that it was sold.

— Fixed a flaw in which it was possible to study in the library, even with a negative energy indicator.

— Fixed a bug where new randomized NPCs were not generated with the right interactions.

— Fixed some bugs and shortcomings regarding the storyline of the game and the path. There are now much fewer stutters that can interrupt story missions for a while.

— Fixed a bug where a randomized NPC with the character "Aggressive" could endlessly talk about an abandoned factory.

— Fixed bugs where an exception could occur during the new event with Yuki Oota and in the new event with randomized NPCs where they invite your character to meet.

— Fixed some typos in biographies of randomized NPCs.

— Fixed a bug where 18+ scenes with sexual encounters with RNPS could freeze and not close. At the same time, manipulations with the game could be carried out.

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