You are currently jobless and looking for vacancies when out of the blue you get a call to become a Dorm Porter/Maintenance person for a college dorm, you go to the interview and you ace it! Only for you to be told AFTER you've signed the contract that these girls are rather special...well...they have something special! Oh and it's YOUR JOB to keep 9 horny dickgirls happy! How? Well you signed up for that, should have read the contract a bit further... So basically it's a kind of semi-open game where your job is make sure all the rooms are in a good state of repair, fix them when they breakdown (oh and contract says YOU have to pay for repairs yourself), talk to the girls, avoid (or don't) getting speared by them. Oh and if you chose to have a spouse at the beginning you can also have them (Either a male or female spouse, so it can be a gay or straight relationship) joining you after certain events in game.
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