This fully voiced battle ADV is the first title by a revamped Akatsuki Works Black team. Hiro spends his days attending school without a goal in his life. Two years ago, he inherited an unworldly object known as the knight frame, which can cause great destruction at a whim. He is determined not to use these powers because they would be a disturbance to everyone else. Even though he hates himself, he believes that this is the best thing to do.
Along the way to school, he looks around after sensing a warning from the knight frame. There he saw a girl with a carefree smile, who quickly vanished before his eyes like an illusion. He then found himself in another world with a battle about to begin.
- Release Date: 2011/11/25
- Version: License
- Censorship: Yes
- Language: jap
- Platform: PC/Windows
- Tablet: Yes
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