GiantStarGirl - Life After the Big Conspiracy 3D Porn Comic

3D Porn Comic: GiantStarGirl - Life After the Big Conspiracy

It´s the year 2027, after serveral years of a roaming worldwide pandemic a new world order has developed. The first year of the pandemic lots of people died but most people lost interest in it, wore no masks, met to party in crowds, just were sick of staying at home.

The first vaccines came and people thought that will be the solution. But the virus mutated and kept on mutating till no vaccine was effictive anymore. And it got deadlier and deadlier quick. In the year 2023 over three billion people were dead with deathrate rising day by day. People panicked, it was like the world was ending. It could be anyone at any time.

In that chaos a till unknown group of scientists offered a solution. They had a new vaccine, enough of it for everyone and would get rid of every form of the virus once and for all. Everyone should get it quickly, free of charge. It took only a week till it was approved in desperation by every country. Many wondered how that group was able to make so many vaccines but it was the only hope. The miracle worked and within only two months there were no more new cases. Deathrates were down to normal pre pandemic rates.

The world was cripled but saved. Live was still tough after those years but everything was back on track till one day about 8 months later...

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