CharlieCFNM - Captured 3D Porn Comic

3D Porn Comic: CharlieCFNM - Captured

"These are dark times indeed for the Empire of Lustoria. The Crown has gone into massive debt and the King continues to neglect the needs of his people. Choosing to spend his days by whoring and drinking, he wastes away on the throne, sinking further in debt and damning the kingdom to it's inevitable ruin. Crime and banditry have become rampant, as the cost of bread skyrockets. Rumour even has it that the nefarious Barbarian-King and the dreaded Blood Sex-Witch have joined forces in an unholy alliance. Realising that something must be done, The Prince Reagent arranges marriage to the Princess-in-waiting from a neighbouring empire to bring desperately needed military strength back and restore control in the region. However, no good deed goes unpunished as he and his two most loyal kings-guard are ambushed when their guard is dropped while en-route to their destination. Trouble continues to stir as word even has it that the princess has found herself in her own unfortunate predicament. "

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