Dirty Secret Studio - The Incorrigible Sway v0.4.0 Porn Game

Porn Game: Dirty Secret Studio - The Incorrigible Sway v0.4.0

You’ve wanted to be a superhero your whole life, but you’ve never been special enough. Still, you got a job in Paragon City to be close to all the super people and their super problems. You just started your job with the Genius Foundation, you were just making sure all the labs were well stocked for the super people, but all that’s changed now. Your wife Michelle crashes through a brick wall and attacks the lab, and your lab assistant Seyah. You barely escape with your life, but in the process of escaping you are exposed to RGX271, a research chem that effects pheromone production. And suddenly you’re one of the special people. The super people.

You have the power of Sway. You are incredibly persuasive. Normal people believe what you say, the weak willed just accept your commands, and even super people will listen to you, when you were less than a flea to them before.

Now you must figure out what to do with your life. Seyah is completely dedicated to you, you’re not sure if she was already harboring these feelings or if your new powers make you irresistible.

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