HelloArisu Games - Where Girls Are Made Ver.0.8.50 Win/Android/Mac/linux Porn Game

Porn Game: HelloArisu Games - Where Girls Are Made Ver.0.8.50 Win/Android/Mac/linux

Where Girls Are Made is a unique story simulation game with role-playing and visual novel elements set in a dystopian future where the world is entirely populated by lustful men and all women are extinct and rather replace by artificial androids conveniently called "girls".

You take the role of a male protagonist working night shift on one of the factories that make these android girls. Your job is to make sure that all android products are perfect and not defective according to the client's orders.

As mentioned, this game is somewhat a simulation with bits of reading and visual novel. There are a few sections in the game:

The first section is the "Factory", where the player earns money through working. Their goal in this section is to earn as much money as possible before their shift ends. Each action the player performs consumes energy. Once your energy is depleted, you lose the ability to correctly approve or reject android products and risk yourself on making errors. Errors reduce your salary at the end of your shift.

Once your shift ends, you'll have the opportunity to go home or go to the android market.

On the "Market", the player can purchase custom designed androids that they can take home, assuming they have enough money to do so.

The "Apartment" is where majority of the game's lewd scenes are. If the player goes home, they can sleep and replenish their energy and start working again. If the player purchased androids in the market, they will appear in the "bedroom" area where the player can do naughty things with them.

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