A young man struggles with sleep until the Sandman appears with an offer...
The Sandman's tale continues with more changes on the way for our heroine...
A lonely creator begins a strange journey that will change his life forever...
Kelly effortlessly falls back into her playfully teasing attitude while Fred falls into his old tendency to fantasize....
"Hey, Melvin! I'm Mr. Snowballs!"
Freddy's reunited with the tiny, perky and adorable Imagine Mary...
Mary continues to work her magic on Greg...
The changes continue as Fred inches closer to being Lisa...
Lisa takes her first steps out into the world of busty women...
Lisa and Kelly reunite after years apart and easily slip back into their sweet friendship...
Kelly's upbeat body positivity helps Lisa embrace her new body even more until plans are made that challenge the rules...
Lisa and Mary leave Kelly behind to find the mysterious redheaded beauty Trinity...
Lisa and Mary meet Trinity, though they're surprised by who Trinity really is...
Trinity, Lisa and Mary do their best to figure out a solution, and it looks like even more transformations are called for...
Tyler and Mary think they're getting through to Lisa, but a late admission changes everything...
Tyler helps keep Lisa a woman in the best way imaginable...
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