Darkcookie Summertime Saga version 21.0.0-wip.5605
Quote: acrabicra
0.11 bug fix
When the download finish the archives name still (SummertimeSaga-0.11-BUG TESTING-win)
Darkcookie Summertime Saga version 21.0.0-wip.5605
0.11 bug fix
Darkcookie Summertime Saga version 21.0.0-wip.5605
it´s a new o old version?
Meet And Fuck Games Collection
Quote: irukanjji
i´ve always download this collection from a torrent, its all time update
if you want this, please PM, an i give you the link, its 1 GB download
last game is Arround the World in 80 Lays (Parts 1 y 2)
Your pm box is full man, could you send me the torrent link please? ^^
Meet And Fuck Games Collection
Quote: irukanjji
i´ve always download this collection from a torrent, its all time update
if you want this, please PM, an i give you the link, its 1 GB download
last game is Arround the World in 80 Lays (Parts 1 y 2)
Sent you pm mate
KsT - The Twist Version 0.52.1 Cracked + Cheat
http://uploa drocket.net/vjtdu2r84r03.htm
Cypress Zeta Snow Daze: The Music Of Winter version 1.6
Ver 1.0
http://uploa drocket.net/7unehkgkkekl.htm
PTOLEMY Dreaming with Dana version 0.099
Ver 041
http://uplo adrocket.net/krl9c9rqims4.htm
Khendovir Chronicles Rinets Quest from StalkerRoguen
Someone have save file?
Play again is soo bullshit.
PTOLEMY Dreaming with Dana version 0.099
http://uploa drocket.net/unij9o4yx2lp.htm
My New Life REVAMP by Beggar of Net Version 0.98 + Fix + Missing Images + Save
http://uploa drocket.net/qpe8o02rp3rz/Beggar_OF_Net--_THE_NEW_LIFE_V0.5.rar.html
My New Life REVAMP by Beggar of Net Version 0.98 + Fix + Missing Images + Save
Anyone know how to access Annie's house, the one in the High Neighborhood protected by guards?
Vortex Cannon Entertainment Last Man version 4.285
Does it need a patch or anything to be able to play ?
KsT - The Twist Version 0.52.1 Cracked + Cheat
Quote: trihopatofilicar
Quote: met4lsp4wn
I Had 240 points with mom, and checked her in the shower until she punish you now I can't get the lost points back?!
what where you doing in moms shower you pervert?!
Just Spying at her 3 times
KsT - The Twist Version 0.52.1 Cracked + Cheat
Quote: met4lsp4wn
I Had 240 points with mom, and checked her in the shower until she punish you now I can't get the lost points back?!
what where you doing in moms shower you pervert?!
Beggarofnet My New Life Revamp version 0.96
Quote: lewis49
merci pour le code,mais pourquoi la quête se répète et sans maria !! s'agit il d'un bug de jeux ???
This release has alot of bugs in it and the Maria quest repeats is just one of them, I think it suppose to happen just once
Beggarofnet My New Life Revamp version 0.96
merci pour le code,mais pourquoi la quête se répète et sans maria !! s'agit il d'un bug de jeux ???
Beggarofnet My New Life Revamp version 0.96
Quote: Blackbadger
Quote: nastynate69
Quote: Blackbadger
Quote: nastynate69
Quote: Blackbadger
how do i start events with sharon? nothing happens after i got her number
On the weekend in the morning leave your house and walk ....well anywhere ( I suggest to the school ) and she will call you. Every event with her happens only in the morning andonly on the weekends, oh and you have to have to buy some wine, oh and a little warning it has some bugs to it, when the event starts it will sometimes switch to the event with the teacher.
ayeee thanks mate. bugged but still good right?
Yes it's still good but the only down side are the bugs which I hope will be fix later
i see i see thanks man but this version isn't satisfying eh like the only scenes got is of maria jet and sharon now thanks to you. You know of any other scenes mate?
None at the moment, right now I'm trying to get in to some woman Named annie house, other then that there are some miner scenes when you pick a job to work so other then that I don't know
Beggarofnet My New Life Revamp version 0.96
Quote: nastynate69
Quote: Blackbadger
Quote: nastynate69
Quote: Blackbadger
how do i start events with sharon? nothing happens after i got her number
On the weekend in the morning leave your house and walk ....well anywhere ( I suggest to the school ) and she will call you. Every event with her happens only in the morning andonly on the weekends, oh and you have to have to buy some wine, oh and a little warning it has some bugs to it, when the event starts it will sometimes switch to the event with the teacher.
ayeee thanks mate. bugged but still good right?
Yes it's still good but the only down side are the bugs which I hope will be fix later
i see i see thanks man but this version isn't satisfying eh like the only scenes got is of maria jet and sharon now thanks to you. You know of any other scenes mate?
Beggarofnet My New Life Revamp version 0.96
Quote: Blackbadger
Quote: nastynate69
Quote: Blackbadger
how do i start events with sharon? nothing happens after i got her number
On the weekend in the morning leave your house and walk ....well anywhere ( I suggest to the school ) and she will call you. Every event with her happens only in the morning andonly on the weekends, oh and you have to have to buy some wine, oh and a little warning it has some bugs to it, when the event starts it will sometimes switch to the event with the teacher.
ayeee thanks mate. bugged but still good right?
Yes it's still good but the only down side are the bugs which I hope will be fix later
Beggarofnet My New Life Revamp version 0.96
Quote: nastynate69
Quote: Blackbadger
how do i start events with sharon? nothing happens after i got her number
On the weekend in the morning leave your house and walk ....well anywhere ( I suggest to the school ) and she will call you. Every event with her happens only in the morning andonly on the weekends, oh and you have to have to buy some wine, oh and a little warning it has some bugs to it, when the event starts it will sometimes switch to the event with the teacher.
ayeee thanks mate. bugged but still good right?
Beggarofnet My New Life Revamp version 0.96
Quote: Blackbadger
how do i start events with sharon? nothing happens after i got her number
On the weekend in the morning leave your house and walk ....well anywhere ( I suggest to the school ) and she will call you. Every event with her happens only in the morning and only on the weekends, oh and you have to have to buy some wine, oh and a little warning it has some bugs to it, when the event starts it will sometimes switch to the event with the teacher.
Beggarofnet My New Life Revamp version 0.96
how do i start events with sharon? nothing happens after i got her number
Night City Productions SuperPowered 2 version 0.03.00
how to active?
Beggarofnet My New Life Revamp version 0.96
Quote: lewis49
cc qui connais le code pour ordinateur !! laboratoire,c'est une quête avec maria !!
The Code is 1998
The Twist Version v0.47 Final Win from Kst Games updated
Quote: anon1234
I found the save files and have a hex editor, what do I need to do the change the money amount.
Hey anon1234,
1. Note down the amount of money you have in the game.
2. Convert it to hexadecimal.
3. Open the save file in the hex editor and search for the hex-value of money in it. E.g. if you have 45$ money, search for 2D in the save file.
4. Follow the above mentioned method to increase the money.
Cheers !
Beggarofnet My New Life Revamp version 0.96
Is there any faster link? Like Mega for example. All others are slow as fuck!
KsT - The Twist Version 0.52.1 Cracked + Cheat
I Had 240 points with mom, and checked her in the shower until she punish you now I can't get the lost points back?!
Arvus Games Roundscape Adorevia version 6.8
http://uploa drocket.net/57wpegsg0812/Roundscape_Adorevia_2.1.rar.html
Beggarofnet My New Life Revamp version 0.96
http://uploa drocket.net/o9hd64i3ok96/THE_NEW_LIFE_V0.5.rar.html