the story of the main character, whose father was an artist and rich, but the mother dies before he became a college graduate, and decided to become...
In this world there are two kinds of intelligent beings - humans and Evil. Evil possess power, knowledge and eternal life. Their appearance has four...
Description: At Albatross the strange captain and a command of madmen to it to become. Without a map in their hands, they go to unknown islands, come...
Ginta opened a veterinary clinic after several years of university studies. In the old wooden building, called "The Museum of the Six Dark Ones," he...
You are Kira Akishino, an ace student from one of the best universities in Boston. You are offered a tutoring job at the illustrious Gloria mansion,...
From the ancient time, the Alfheim Continent has Urad, deep green stone and Scar, purplish red stone. Both act as a catalyst for different magic and...
A rumor spreads among young people that if a person gets on "that" train, he/she will disappear.... Most of them don't believe it, but it exists.......
Yeshiyuki and Shiho started dating at school, then went to university together, and soon got married. But the hero had to quit his studies and find a...
The protagonist Takashiro Kazuyuki, works for a large pharmaceutical company, but he was deceived by his colleague Noumata Asahiro and his Mio bride...