The main character is a young warrior named Desmond (known as Takeru in the Japanese version). After liberating Strawberry Fields from an evil curse...
"Alea Girls Boarding High School" has a history of almost one hundred years. But the number of students decreases gradually, and the school is about...
Now I have a winter vacation. I plan to go on a trip and have fun with friends ... I will never learn! But one day, my mother instructs me to attend...
Hisao Nakai is a regular high school student and has been studying there for the last year. Once he finds a letter from an unknown sender in a locker...
Tomoya Asahina was appointed executive manager at Noel’s restaurant, while the owner recovered from the injury sustained after the hero's salvation....
In the Walker wife, you are the main character, and the main character Kiyomi is your wife. You have lived together for a long time, you have a happy...
Away the original family have bachelor Morisaki Hiroto. In such him, a single phone call arrives. Partner in the wife, daughter of is told to come to...