As a former disgraced teacher, you are given one last chance to enter the world of academia. You are to teach the hopelessly ignorant young women...
Updated : 02-Feb-2024 Reason : Added Save.
A lewd Sidescrolling/RPG. In Saria Reclaimed you play as Saria, a wandering samurai of Cardinal's Heart, an oasis town in the vast desert filled with...
Updated : 02-Feb-2024 Reason : New version.
Updated : 02-Feb-2024 Reason : Added 23 pages.
Updated : 02-Feb-2024 Reason : Added 187 pages.
Updated : 01-Feb-2024 Reason : Added new pages.
Overview: At 22, you've just finished your University studies and you're moving back to a hometown that you haven't visited for four years. At home...
Updated : 01-Feb-2024 Reason : Added Mac version.
Take Over is a game about corruption, where you need to be careful about being caught by the oppresive government. Mind control the people in town,...
Updated : 01-Feb-2024 Reason : New version.
The Lust City Overview: "The Lust City" is an adult game full of adventure, exploration, suspense and intimacy. You’re a seasoned explorer on a...
Updated : 01-Feb-2024 Reason : Added Mac version.
It was a summer that would change the course of our protagonist's life forever. A rising star in the academic world, a decent sportsman, and a lucky...
Updated : 01-Feb-2024 Reason : Added lite.
Overview: For Felix and Sophie Page, two professors at Riverside College, things are going very well. They have jobs they love, they are well...
Updated : 01-Feb-2024 Reason : New version.
Overview: Fight or Submit​...
Updated : 01-Feb-2024 Reason : New version.
Updated : 01-Feb-2024 Reason : Adde new pages.
Updated : 01-Feb-2024 Reason : Added 4 pages.
Updated : 01-Feb-2024 Reason : Added new pages.
Updated : 31-Jan-2024 Reason : Added new chapters.