The world after defeating the Demon King. Trudr, who fought against the demons, lost her livelihood due to the unexpected end of the war in the early...
My name is Shingo Miyase. The most ordinary guy who can be found anywhere. My mom is Rio. She puts herself above me and imposes her self-theoretical...
Keiji Jojima is a hardened molester. He is hiding from government authorities, repeatedly pestering women on trains. He prides himself on being able...
I have "inclinations" that I can't tell people about. I want to be bullied. I want to be teased, I want to be turned on. My family and people around...
Fujio Suganami is the protagonist who successfully persuades his relative's daughter to act in an adult film. This time, his target is his brother's...
'Do you believe in fate? What if the person of destiny is the same person as your significant other? Yuri is a nurse. She works in the same place as...
Yuka Momose, an honors student seduced by a bad friend, gives her lover a birthday present and ends up having sex with him on the promise of showing...
A girl on a platform with such big breasts in a uniform that looks so tight it's a crime. I don't hesitate anymore. This year this girl will be mine!...
Ayumu and Touka are son and mother-in-law. One day, Ayumu asks Hiiragika about sex. He watched as his father and stepmother had sex with each other....
There are currently five men and women living in the Fujishima family. The eldest son, Yuusuke, whose name means gentleness, and his wife Yukie. The...
Takuya Suzuki (the protagonist) was an ordinary student, but he was disliked by his classmates because he was very sweaty compared to normal people,...