One day, the most popular teacher at Akakura Academy, Aoi-sensei, approached Wataru and informed him that his help is needed and he must take off his...
In the year 2034, a large war had been going on for 4 years. Ever since a military accident near Ayato’s hometown last year, the townspeople had been...
They say I'm a guy who doesn't understand human emotions at all. But really, who actually does? The start of summer: Aiuchi Shuuta, a second year at...
One holiday, the protagonist, whose creed in life was "enjoy yourself", but who also had traumatic experiences with both romance and women, was once...
Jindou-- it's a near-future sport where you fight with real swords that's really hot in Japan in the 2040s. Two girls enrolled into Murakumo Academy,...
Tsubaki had been participating in the Jindou pro leagues, but after a certain match, kitsune ears popped up on her head once again. Unable to go out...
After graduating, Touki moved from Acadamy Island to the mainland and now lives alone. Shion often comes over when the weekend rolls around and they...
Touki is a second-year student at Murakumo Academy who is training as a katana smith. He attracts a lot of attention since his ancestor was a famous...
Because it's the connection they wanted... An academy yuri that begins in secret! Mao found out the comitee chairman, Rena, had an interest in yuri....