At an elite boarding school, female students are abducted one by one. When special teenage investigator Ouca Kamikaze learns her older brother Ginga...
The Mikami family enjoyed a perfect marital life. That was until a certain mans appearance completely changed everything. The wife Maiko is caught in...
An evil shade gradually invades peaceful country. Demons and their king are awaken from the seal that was casted upon them 1000 years ago. Sophia, a...
Mirei is captain of the swimming club. She is very beautiful and an expert swimmer. Kurumi is a member of the swimming club as well. But she is very...
The kingdom is protected from demons' attacks by the knights led by Sofia and the mage Rick. But Sofia clearly hates Rick and shows it so much, that...
A girl who is not good at making human friends She has a very gentle and gentle personality and loves animals My pet hamster, who has been loved for...
I , Kinoyama Ren, since I was a ch*ld, I've admired my chilhood friend and neighbour Tazawa Haruki-kun. He is my first love and I still love him. But...
Main character, Makoto, will be taken care of by his cousin Minoru while his parents go on their honeymoon during the summer vacation. Meanwhile, one...
--It's been a few months since you were tied with Yuu Omaezaki. Living with her is a messy day. "? Hey, let's kiss lovers Noah, stomach, Is-one," she...
Makoto always enjoyed the art of photography; that's why he joined the photography club while in high school. However, he appears to be the only male...
Not very careful with money and used to an extravagant lifestyle, Rui's mother has thrown them into terrible debt. To fix this, she has decided that...