One night, the protagonist, an unsuccessful light novel and eroge writer, sees his beautiful next-door neighbor, Maki, masturbating on the balcony. A...
Earth is being invaded by the evil organization, Dai-Lust. After summer break, there is a new transfer student in your class, Kouenji Sayuka. Sayuka...
Shin Yu reputation as an ideal son in the neighborhood. There are moms looking at him like that with sexual eyes. Momma Saki of Ryota who is a close...
It has been several years since the KRB Program was implemented as a means of countering Japan's falling birth rate and aging population. In the wake...
On Takato’s first day at Kojou Academy, an energetic girl Mitsuna ordered him to use his genius brain only for her sake for the next three years (and...
Exposing Play Girl 4 - an ADV Novel game where your choices change the shame! The series zeroes in on certain girls from the series and tightens the...
The main character · Miki Kondo is a college student who has lived up to life with byte and postponement. One day, my life is going to go mad because...
his is the first title by Carol Works. Shinji has a fetish for being treated coldly and violently by women. Because of his masochism, he hasn’t been...
Miyagishi Shokuma decided to change school because of parents' work. "Why did you come in, I'm not cheerful?" I was pretty unfamiliar with it, a girl...
Nao works at the Kotoshiro ryokan, which is managed by his grandmother after his parents’ deaths. It’s not a profitable business, but one day he got...
The prestigious girls’ school Usagino Gakuen is rumoured to be full of cute girls. Shinsuke graduated from a top-tier university and was expected to...