An RPG with smoothly animated battles and erotic events featuring the affairs of a debt ridden wife that is at the same time, a transforming heroine!...
A young man finds himself living with his mother's best friend due to his parents' business trip abroad. He must finish his last year of studies in a...
"The Hotwife" is an original, adult themed visual novel about a couple who explore opening up their marriage. Join them as they explore meeting other...
Overview: For now, the plot of the game seems simple and "generic" you're playing as MC (In some cases you might play with another character) and you...
Overview: You play as Jack, a young nerd and a virgin, who wakes up on a military base inside a mountain, in a NRF (nuclear refugees facility) place...
You are a young man that was offered a great opportunity for a new job and you decide to take it. You arrive at the Dusklight Manor to begin your new...
Agent 53x is a visual novel that starts with you as the male protagonist has been away to a private boarding school for 8 years. Your father came to...