Renryuu: Ascension follows the story of Ryen, a half dragon-half human. After some sudden events Ryen becomes the King of his country and starts his...
The earth is a better person than me is a visual novel following a young woman, Delphine, who runs away from her life and into a forest. She realizes...
Mugen is a 2D fighting game with NSFW sprite edits and new moves with over 23 characters spanning different franchises. Introduces one original...
Fledgling anti-evil ninja Konoha heads to a rural village accompanied by her talking fox named Ponkichi. She must take over the duties of her...
A stubborn and arrogant prince's journey of becoming a monster's slave pet v1.1 ACTIVATED MALE PREG/ GROUP SEX _If the prince pride and psyche...
A man wakes up in a strange room with no memories. Who is he? Who is this nameless stranger who takes care of him? And why is he always locked in?...
One day, the protagonist’s cell phone rings. His uncle, the manager of a chain shop that rents handymen, is on the other line. He has a proposition...
Welcome to Harem Builder, in this world, harems are a common thing and as a newly chosen harem leader, you must travel around and find potential...
comics: Academy of Ballet Alice And Lily Jo In The Institute Rescue Jo gallery...
The game immerses you in the atmosphere of the magical world. You play the role of the young magician Merlin. He was born in an ancient and...
The story follows the main character (you!) as you play tennis with a college team while trying to make it through your classes. Through the story,...