The main character is a young warrior named Desmond (known as Takeru in the Japanese version). After liberating Strawberry Fields from an evil curse...
My peace was quickly disappeared. One month before that date back - Without warning, remarried partner father was brought. It is, go to the same...
Updated : 26-Nov-2021 Reason : Updated + 17 pages (echoes of lust season 1 (gif)(mobile) 187 pages).
There’s been an ever-present rumor going around the school that there were some students that held satanic rituals inside the campus. However, the...
Ryoko is living a boring life, just goes to the office and comes back to her place everyday. One day, when she is on the internet, she finds a...
Cross emotions that fight against idom and send out to the city of the holiday to heal the scratches received by insult. However, fun dating turns...
Takato was tortured as he was keen to decide to do molesting today, He found out at the scene on her classmate, Otori Kanae, and finished his...
Miu Himemiya and Rio Yuki are two pretty girls who go to a private school named Rouen Academy. One day, they meet fairies. Paruru and Pururu, They...
In the spring of that year--- Keiichi's younger brother enrolls in the same school as him -- as a trap! Madly in love with his older brother, while...
10 years ago the Pure Maidens defeated the evil organization Nega-Force! After 10 years of peace, the Nega-Force is back. After a sinister corporate...
Natsuki lives with Kurumi, his younger sister. He earns money by fighting against monsters every day. One day, he meets Shizuka. She asks him to look...
Sun is hot and humid. King in the city of eight large-scale city located in the western part of the capital, citizens are sending a quiet life and...
The main character, Tsuboi Naoki, overdid it in soccer class one day and wore himself out. Afterward, he noticed a sign advertising for a massage...
Yuka has a beautiful mother, cheeser. As it works full time, Mine, her younger sister, cares about him and Naoto, his youngest brother. On one day,...
The main character Souichi Chiba used to live with his father in a motherless household but since his father passed away two years ago he's come to...
Maki used to be lovers with his friend Saeko and they would imitate what adults would do. However, one time they had sex and she ran away from the...
Soushirou is about to graduate college, but at this point he still hasn't found his calling professionaly speaking, that is till he admires a vase...
The protagonist is currently living together with his older sister and going to prep school everyday. He likes her but is unable to be honest about...
Senpai Sore wa Hansoku desu! By Toribami Sasami...