The story is set in the modern world but with some medieval fantasy elements weave into it. The main character (the player will pick a name for him)...
Forced to flee from their home, Agnes and Henry arrive in the grand city of Grimsburg, packed to the brim with ill-intentioned men. With the help of...
Title : Goblin Hunter Wizard Emona Language : English, Japanese, Chinese Developer : Ezogoro Released date : 2022-08-21, 2024-07-02 (steam) Emona, a...
The world trembled at the sudden appearance of a dungeon emanating an unknown energy that greatly affects the mind. Playing as Fern, you will uncover...
Updated: Today, 05:18 Reason: update to Ver.0.2.1.
A city in the Human World suddenly stopped believing in the Goddess, and that's weakening the Angelic World, Cassiel and Sapphire are two angels that...
In this world full of magic, you play as Amy, an elvish maid. After an orc raid on your village, it’s your quest to deliver the girls that were taken...
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