This is the fan disc for Otome ga Kanaderu Koi no Aria, featuring after stories for each of the 5 heroines and added heroine Kanade, while chara poll...
This is the sequel to Tsuki ni Yorisou Otome no Sahou, taking place in Paris with imouto Resona as the main heroine. It continues from the bad ending...
It tells the story of a devil king who, in the midst of a battle with a hero, somehow turned himself into a female by taking a secret medicine, which...
The sister was appointed a nurse in the same school where her brother learn. He was unpopulating, and shy with women. To help him get used to women,...
It was supposed to be a happy marriage ... I thought about you as a brother. But ... I finally realized my true feelings. It has long been rearranged...
Satoru and his younger sister Sora had to find a new place to live when their parents decided to go on a long trip and also renovate the house at the...
All of a sudden, there were guys who were born in Japan with special abilities. They were segregated to a school located on Tendoujima, an island in...