One day, Kazuma Kinosaki notices a beautiful woman shoplifting at a convenience store. When he later attends a class reunion for the first time since...
Without asking for his opinion, the protagonist's father announces that he is going to remarry. As such, "Kousuke" has to suddenly live with his two...
Young girl Rieze (protagonist) lived with her friend Sufure in a small village. Sufure was a shrine maiden of the wind; Rieze had inherited the hero...
Princess Michel of Tenga was in love with the knightshead Carulo. Perhaps it was their love that fueled the wrath of Zeyar from Viniella. Zeyar had a...
Ilium met the witch looked like a woman in the city of Petra Bachiruda in the vicinity of the Holy See. And it will be to go get involved in various...