"The Manor of Mischief" is a game where you play as a female character who finds herself trapped in a cursed, abandoned manor. This manor is not just...
verview: In the land of Scarlet, there is a law that's existed since its founding... The Scarlet Law. Every woman born into this country has a price...
Thomas is a man who uses various ways to satisfy his enormous ego, but ends up accepting a proposal from a very dangerous group, and ends up putting...
Updated: 02-May-2023 Reason: Add Italian Translation.
Becoming a trap (working title for now) is a game about young *** Austyn, who decided to travel to parallel universe, which is highly populated with...
Overview: You as the main character are just an average male student. That is until a truck hit you and Isekai'd you- no, just ***ding. You live only...