In a chance encounter, the young Hank gives his married superior, Xie Qingyu, a ride home, catching a glimpse of her beautiful elder daughter and...
Updated : 01-Aug-2023 Reason : Added Android version.
Updated : 01-Aug-2023 Reason : Completed.
Updated : 01-Aug-2023 Reason : added 2 pages.
Updated : 01-Aug-2023 Reason : Added New Seria.
Updated : 01-Aug-2023 Reason : +1 New Page.
The king is dead leaving a power vacuum in the kingdom. Help guide the Princess on her quest to get herself upon the throne. You'll have to manage...
Updated : 01-Aug-2023 Reason : added Android.
This is the story of a young man who always had feelings towards his landlady and roommate but he always fought against them. Knowing that these...
Updated : 01-Aug-2023 Reason : added mac lite ver.
Updated : 01-Aug-2023 Reason : Added New Pages.