Overview: The hero gets into a series of misfortunes! As a ch*ld, he loses his mother, currently his father, and then his friend. In addition, now...
Updated : 20-Sep-2023 Reason : Added Spanish translation.
Updated : 20-Sep-2023 Reason : Added 100 pages.
Updated : 20-Sep-2023 Reason : added 6 pages.
Updated : 20-Sep-2023 Reason : add new pages.
Updated : 20-Sep-2023 Reason : add 3 pages.
Updated : 20-Sep-2023 Reason : add 2 pages.
Overview: A single father returns to the world of crime for one last job to provide for his family for generations to come. Does he have what it...
Updated : 20-Sep-2023 Reason : Added Mac Ver.
Overview: What is Kamichichi Girls? Four remakes to make your crotch burst! Full HD, voice, and animated erotic scenes of heroines from Kamichichi's...
Updated : 20-Sep-2023 Reason : Added Android Ver.
After a freak accident leaves you half blind and homeless, you are left with no choice but to return to the home town you fled. However, the small,...
Updated : 20-Sep-2023 Reason : Add Mac Version.
Updated : 20-Sep-2023 Reason : added new pages.
Welcome to your alternative life in this world surrounded by comedy, irony and women who show you their affection. Spend a pleasant moment enjoying...
Updated : 20-Sep-2023 Reason : Add Mac Version.