A bright young psychology student finds his dream job as a sexologist and has a great future ahead of him... until some inappropriate behavior throws...
In the neon buzz of Tokyo's Kabukicho, meet Kei - a street-smart chef with mad culinary skills but zero luck. On the big 2-1, instead of hitting the...
The story unfolds with a man undergoing a year-long cryogenic therapy for a severe haematological illness. Years later he is awaken to a desolate and...
Unlucky in love, and recently rejected, Allie stops by the neighborhood bar with her friend, Trixie, where she meets a mysterious man who brings out...
Overview: 'Beyond Tomorrow' is an immersive game that revolves around the journey of a 20-year-old protagonist who lives with his mother and sister....
Overview: You'll start out as a 26-year-old who's never left home, but that all changes when you buy (or steal) an amulet that contains the soul of a...