This is the story of Ivy. Ivy, an unassuming and introverted 18-year-old girl, has recently graduated from high school and has to deal with the harsh...
Updated : 21-Aug-2024 Reason : Added v0.4.0.
Mia, a young and aspiring suburban student, weary of poverty and solitude, takes a bold step to fulfill her hidden desires. Using her beauty, she...
Updated : 21-Aug-2024 Reason : Added v0.3.
EGGOMON IS A MONSTER CATCHING RPG. Capture monsters, gather resources, explore, and don’t get bred by wild creatures!...
Updated : 21-Aug-2024 Reason : Added vAug 19th.
Welcome to the world of Sinflux Chronicles! After a year marked by failure and disappointment, your mentor decides it's time for a drastic change....
Updated : 21-Aug-2024 Reason : Added v0.01c.