Overview: The story of a family of doctors embarking on a new stage of their careers at a new hospital. The head of the family is a psychiatrist, his...
Surya and Kavin are strangers destined to cross paths with each other. When their fated meeting finally happens, one will be thrust into the world of...
You play as Nobita who just turn 18 years. After getting a gadget from Doraemon, Nobita's lust grows sky high. What will Nobita do with this changes...
In the previous story, the heroine was abducted by an ancient cosmic entity and compelled to serve it. This fateful encounter has forever altered her...
BangCity is a rundown place ruled by gangsters and corrupt politicians! The hero of this game is ****face! Grown up among criminals he decided to go...
Overview: You play as the shortstack mouse girl Mousse, who went back to her hometown for vacation. This vacation quickly turns sour when dark forces...
A Wife’s Phone is an erotic text-based game with elements of cheating, NTR, harassment, mind control, hypnosis, feminisation, transformation and much...
Updated: 17-Sep-2024 Reason: Add Italian Translation.
Some 150 years after the Hive war, you play the role of a former miner, thrust into the limelight following the inheritance of a space station. Shape...
Overview: You play as an aspiring, young male tennis player who just left an abusive relationship. After attending your last course in a tennis club,...