In this story, a girl named Sharleen works in a lab where they conduct experiments on a shrinking virus using volunteers. Luckily for her, one of the...
Overview: One day, a little *** living with his mother finds an akuma-no-mi in a chest, but unlike other akuma-no-mi, this one has not yet manifested...
Updated : 22-Oct-2024 Reason : added lite version.
Waifu Showdown is a 3D adult wrestling game featuring various female fictional characters above legal age. The main idea of the game is to focus more...
Overview: You set off to Umesatra Academy to get the training you need to become a real succubus. Something seems to be different with you. Turning...
Updated : 21-Oct-2024 Reason : added Update Only.
This is a comic dedicated to the spookiness and horror of Halloween. Mrs. Garcia is a teacher who has had a very unusual way of punishing her...
Overview: You play as a man who inherits a rundown love hotel. As you take control of the establishment, you quickly discover that the hotel is at...
Updated : 21-Oct-2024 Reason : Added New Pages.
Hello and welcome to Jessica's Choices - Origins The central theme of Jessica’s Choices - Origins revolves around self-discovery, resilience, and the...
Updated : 21-Oct-2024 Reason : Add New ver.
Overview: Spooky Milk Life is a R-18 adult adventure game with simulation dates with many features!...
Updated : 21-Oct-2024 Reason : added Walkthrough.
Developer: mkaiser Publisher: mkaiser Release date: 18 Oct, 2024 Version: Final Language: Japanese (Official) Censored: Yes (Mosaics)...
This is the sequel to the game Succubus Contract. The story continues after the MC in the guise of a girl loses consciousness. You play as the MC,...
Updated : 21-Oct-2024 Reason : add Compressed Win.
The classic story of a poor young man living in an insignificant village, but things take a drastic turn(very original) more info on the first...
Updated : 21-Oct-2024 Reason : Add Mac ver.
"Seeking Closure" is a narrative-led AVN that is split across two timelines. The choices you make in them affect the relationships you build and,...
Updated : 21-Oct-2024 Reason : Add Android ver.
Overview: Harem Secret is the story of a young man’s intense journey, where desire and ambition intertwine. In a world full of allure, he is...
Updated : 21-Oct-2024 Reason : added Android.
21 female elves with rich personalities are voiced by different voice actors! The main character wanders into a village of elves where only female...
Updated : 21-Oct-2024 Reason : Add Lite Version Win.