The story revolves around Jenny and her family, going through the struggles of life. She went from riches to rags. Censored: No Version: Ch. 3 v4.0...
Overview: We will play the role of a young *** who lives his life full of problems every day until he is given a gift. From this moment on, his life...
You have an alien living inside you. A chaotic one at that. And she appears to have a mission here on Earth, and now with her inside you, so do you....
Mech Academy is an adult visual novel based on multiple-choice decisions. The player will take on the role of the protagonist in this story and meet...
Tales of Terrara takes place in a fantastic world inhabited by races like elves and orcs, ferocious monsters and ever-watching gods. A commoner with...
Welcome to Condemned Town Expanded, this is a modified version of Thackerweil's original. I am an absolute amateur at coding, so expect bugs. I have...