A visual novel about Netorase (Wife Sharing) No Harem The story focuses on the relationship between wife and husband (our protagonist), Stefany is a...
Your name is [Enter name] and you are 21 years old. You live with your roommate's mom (relation can be changed in-game!) and your roommate (relation...
In Lusting my religion you're a guy (although everybody thinks you're a girl) who works as a simple locksmith, one night you got tired of being poor...
Tales of Terrara takes place in a fantastic world inhabited by races like elves and orcs, ferocious monsters and ever-watching gods. A commoner with...
You are given a chance to start your life over with a clean slate -- but even your gender is up for grabs and if you don't play your cards right you...
A game about a world where the barrier between mythology and reality is very thin. A formidable entity known as “The Deicide” threatens to obliterate...
Join a protagonist who runs a arcane shop in a back alley, surrounded by four anthropomorphic companions. Travel through a fantasy world with a wolf...