A visual novel about Netorase (Wife Sharing) No Harem The story focuses on the relationship between wife and husband (our protagonist), Stefany is a...
Overview: Monster College is an adult visual novel based on multiple choices. The protagonist of this story discovers that he is a werewolf. Despite...
Overview: This game tells the story of a man (You / Main Character) who has just graduated after studying in Miami. However, you're forced to return...
Overview: In a modern world where nobility exists , Sylvia and Jack, a couple deeply in love, stand before the doors to the mistress Talia's mansion....
Overview: This game is a direct sequel to Pandora's Box. The story takes place 19 years after the events of the first game. Both protagonists return...
Overview: *Warning - the gameplay for Game Mode starts ON Chapter 6! There is a linear story mode OR a game mode! This is also a work in progress, so...