This is a story about Kyousuke(the protagonist) and his friends. Everything starts when he has to move to a dormitory. He isn't too pleased with the...
In a conflict between the races, a group of brave warriors supported by the gods purge a dark race of demons from existence. But due to the mercy of...
Amidst the tranquility of the Edo period, the skilled sorcerer Van finds himself ensnared in a nefarious plot. Ambushed by an unknown assailant, his...
Updated: 08-Nov-2024 Reason: added mac lite version.
Walk into the shoes of a blacklisted doctor in hiding as you try to fit in with the residents of a small town in the middle of nowhere. Uncover dirty...
Updated: 08-Nov-2024 Reason: added mac lite version.
Patricia Bates is a girl with a big problem that's starting to affect her professional life, and professionals need professional help. Redd lacks all...