The world is constantly on the brink of collapse. Invaders from outer space trying to enslave the human race, mad scientists quivering to conquer the...
You are a girl from a small town who wants to become an adventurer with her beast friend: a centaur. While doing different quests, you will grow and...
Lust Doll Plus is set in a post-apocalyptic semi-modern/future world, where you start alone and confused in a dangerous place, with literally nothing...
Overview: A mysterious event happened somewhere in the eastern europe. The event contaminated the area, influencing the people inside it. Some of the...
As a young ch*ld you are found at the gates of the hospital. After being looked after by the staff, a kind couple who had been at the hospital giving...
Overview: A mature woman is Presidentess of this country and the whole story takes place in a tower with 70 floors, It is not known whether she is a...
You have an alien living inside you. A chaotic one at that. And she appears to have a mission here on Earth, and now with her inside you, so do you....
After getting a job at Beacon Academy you are now in charge of the emotional and metal health of new Hunters and Huntresses, you wouldn't abuse your...
It has been over one hundred years since The Great Exile that saw nearly all of humanity in a desperate flight back to their ancestral homeworld. Now...