In Labyrinth of the Forgotten Goddess you enter a hedge maze inhabited by animals and magical creatures in search of mythical Goddess that is told to...
The story begins with Abby sneakily grabbing Ellie from behind and holding her, but Abby has no interest in killing Ellie like in the game, as she is...
The oldest nation to still exist on the Continent is the militant Helmanian Empire. A country with a long history, and once the most powerful nation...
This story about Ashley. She is a bank employee and lives in luxury after receiving an inheritance from a wealthy family. Her future depends on your...
Four Elements Trainer is a massive undertaking set in the universes of Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, and will be four complete...
A god used its power too much, made beautiful female species all around the world without mates! As a last resort, you were summoned into the planet...
You were a commander of a powerful group that protects humanity, but after being trapped in a memory eating creature demesne, you are freed but half...
Updated: 23-Dec-2024 Reason: added mac lite version.
You are a new Mutant who has the ability to be immune to all other Mutant powers including the girl with the deadly touch Rogue. She's intrigued and...
Welcome to the world of HornyCraft game! This is an 18+ fan parody where you have to play as a guy named Steve who lives in a cubic world. This world...
After returning to the town where your family was killed as a ch*ld, you seek to begin a new life with your loyal and optimistic best friend, Alice,...