Updated: Yesterday, 13:19 Reason: Added New Pages.
Overview: You are a silly kobold vampire witch living in the lands of sword and magic, and you're on your way to uncover yet another mystery... When...
Updated: Yesterday, 13:12 Reason: Added New Pages.
Overview: After she has completed her mighty journey into the Spiko Lands, Elizabeth the Kobold Witch Vampire was quite pleased with herself indeed,...
Updated: Yesterday, 12:57 Reason: added new version.
Overview: As a young man, you arrive in the small and peaceful town of Moondale, where strange things have been happening lately. The private school...
Overview: Many people say that time can't be returned, you had so many opportunities to change your life, you didn't take advantage of them. Now you...
Updated: Yesterday, 12:16 Reason: added new version.
Overview: You are a man or woman (your choice) who is out of options. One day you are given an opportunity to work at a mysterious complex. The offer...
Updated: Yesterday, 12:12 Reason: added new version.
Overview: Thrust yourself into the world of Monster Girl Hunt, a world where modesty is a rarely used word and monsters roam the woods. Explore this...