The basics of the game is that the player, as a village administrator, explores dungeons for the sake of the village's happiness and prosperity, and...
Renryuu: Ascension follows the story of Ryen, a half dragon-half human. After some sudden events Ryen becomes the King of his country and starts his...
You take control of a guy living with three beautiful women. You live a pretty ordinary life... You go to school, do your chores, study for college,...
Overview: Heated Hashtag is a steamy visual novel that follows a group of college students as they navigate their desires, fantasies, and boundaries...
CONTROLS Use A (mainly) and D keys as controls. No other keys are needed. If you are playing on a mobile device, those controls will be drawn on your...
In Shoretown Saga, you must take care of the women at home until your father returns. Meet new people, and interact with them. Explore this city and...
Updated: 16-Jan-2025 Reason: Added PC lite version.
The Demon Lord's lover is a mystery dungeon-like and harem dating sim. Explore The Demon Lord's dungeon and the village which serves its adventurers....
Play as a Hero in this Roguelike RPG: Fight girls and challenge yourself for the highest Score while preserving you Hero's sanity. Will your Hero be...