The story takes place in a world full of magic, with knights and wizards, but also monsters and demons. Our protagonist is an ordinary ***, with one...
Overview: Upon receiving a medallion from a dark-winged messenger, you awaken, to a world entirely unbeknownst to you. A world that might hail you as...
You are transferred to a new school which is also where your ch*ldhood friend is currently studying. Its an all-female school but you somehow end up...
Overview: Femdom Wife Game delivers short stories about your vanilla partner turning dominant. Taking place in a 3D realtime and fully animated game,...
After saving a girl from certain death, a young man finds himself in heaven where he cuts a deal with the goddess of love. Censored: No Version: 3.5...
Overview: You will take on the role of a college student who has to move to the 9th City unexpectedly and enroll in a prestigious private university....
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