The story of a family of doctors embarking on a new stage of their careers at a new hospital. The head of the family is a psychiatrist, his wife is a...
Nephilim tells the story of a young man growing up. On a fateful night a wanderer finds our mc (You), he decides to take him under his wing to train...
Overview: The world has fallen to chaos after all the males were wiped out from earth by an unknown virus. "The D-POX", like the nations named it, is...
In 2013 the MC (Marcus Crowley or whatever you decide to name him), his best friend Donnie, and 499.998 other teenagers from around the country left...
Lusty Buccaneers is an NSFW Visual Novel game in development! In Lusty Buccaneers, you play as a young pirate setting sail with a small crew of sexy...
Double Perception" is a game with 2 realms. First is Reality. Nothing special, just common Earth. Second is a bit more interesting – Dawn of Arcanum....
Overview: Living with his two adoptive mothers and stepsister made him shy with girls, until one day, he was sitting in the classroom and saw a book...
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